Resolutions are climbing through the ranks of various VFW Departments to establish a National Liaison Office between the Navy, VA, and the VFW to advocate for long-overdue recognition for submariners and their unique contributions to our security.  You'll want to read the white paper and both resolutions for a full understanding. Also, the "VFW Submarine Working Group Accomplishments 2022-2023" document will provide a go overview of all the activity surrounding these resolutions.  And then your Post, District, or Department should take action in support of these resolutions prior to your convention and the National Convention!
At this time, the following Departments have approved both resolutions; Missouri, Arizona, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and The Department of the Pacific. We are awaiting word from a number of other States on the status of these after their various Conventions.
This has been a very long effort and spanned the course of a decade. This year a small group of VFW Submariners (Submarine veterans) from across the nation have worked diligently to come up with new ideas and ways the VFW can fulfill its Mission Statement, "To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans." This must include all members of the VFW, veterans, and Submariners.
For too long, Submariners have been an afterthought in the service provided by the VFW. We are making a change, hopefully, this year! When these resolutions are approved at the VFW National Convention in Phoenix, the VFW will be uniquely positioned to better advocate for Submariners than any other Veteran Service Organization in the United States.
VFW National HQ is supporting both resolutions!
Join us in making this long-overdue change! Links to our documents and resolutions are below.
Feel free to reach out to David Bozarth, MO District 7 Commander if you have questions. His contact information is:
324 W Poplar St
El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
Cell phone: (843) 697-0543
Thank you for your support as we strive to make a difference by better supporting the men and women who have served and are serving as members of the US Navy's Silent Service.

The White Paper
The Resolution for the Navy
The Resolution for the Liaison Officer
VFW Submarine Working Group Accomplishments 2022-2023